Tuesday, 14 July 2009

10,000 years from now

As far as we know 10,000 years ago us humans were living in caves and huts with no ways to communicate other than speaking, shouting and probably on many occassions screaming.

We were only aware of food, keeping warm, sex (could be me) and surviving to the age of 30 without serious damage. We were short, thick set and pretty hairy with incredible BO.

The concept & design of a wheel, two wheels would be more useful, could still have been in its early stages while rolling tree trunks was the only option.

We knew nothing of the universe and we may well have thought that it was an entirely new fire ball at every sunrise and as its strength ran out fell quietly down behind the horizon.

And here we all are now, 10,000 years later, much slimmer (i've left americans out of this) and taller casually using technology that if suddenly experienced by those stocky ancestors would surely cause them serious screaming followed by mental breakdown.

So try and imagine what humans will be up to in ten thousand years time.

At our continued rate of 'progress' we could be using our solar system simply as home base for those that will be toing and froing across large chunks of the milky way in something that you would need a quantum leap of imagination to consider - remember - Star Trek is set in only 300 years time!
Earth may have been turned into a very large science museum.
They could be using just the one language that probably won't resemble anything we use today and the only gods cared about would be those who became that rarified through Darwins' evolutionary process....result!

on the other hand we might be in the process of re-inventing the wheel all over again.