Thursday, 27 November 2008

Human 'Race', are we losing it?

Today whilst listening to a well known bald broadcaster on LBC (a talk radio) today he proudly told us of his annoyance of his postman knocking him up to give him a box of those low energy light bulbs that's all the rage.
He broadcasted to hundreds of thousands of us that he didn't want them, didn't like them, didn't ask for them and reckoned the whole idea was stupid, he then said he chucked them in the bin.
Was he just playing devil's advocate, stiring it, or is he actually one of many unfortunates who ignorantly refuse to go with the flow?
If positive propaganda in the media was ever needed on green issues it's now, so well done LBC for employing such a knob.
Yes I know this blog is short n sweet but i'm a beginner, but watch out i'm just globally warming up.

1 comment:

Steve said...

You now have at least one reader. Good start. Maybe we should send all Mum's spare bulbs to him to piss him off. I'm adding you to myBlog Roll, maybe you'd like to do the same with me.